Image to Code - Coding Shop

We are a coding shop specialized in coding IMVU homepages and product pages. Over the past 10 years we have coded over 3000 homepages and product pages and also collaborated with many layout shops and artists, giving us the necessary expertise to offer you a trustable and professional service.

Now you can have your layouts coded by gaf210!
What we offer:
How it works:
Now you can have your layouts coded by gaf210!
- Full coding of homepage and product page layouts based on an image design.
- Dynamic Div and Iframe coding styles.
- Fast delivery.
- Easy code completion interface.
- Promotional rates for layout shops that want to partner with us. Do you have a layout shop? Contact us.
How it works:
- You send us a layout image with all the boxes and buttons in it, and we code it for you.
- After you send us your order, we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know if it has been accepted, and the final price for it. Be sure to have your messages set to Everyone so we can contact you! Otherwise specify an email in the Comments field so we can contact you there.
- You can send the payment at any time prior receiving the finished code.
- When you submit the form below, you will be given an order number that you can use in the Clients Section to check its status. Once your order is finished, you will be able to retrieve your layout code at any time with that same order number.
- If you forgot your order number, don't worry, because it will be given to you again once you get notified in a message when your order is ready for pick up :)
- Homepage Layout with Dynamic Divs = 10.000 credits
- Homepage Layout with Iframes = 9.000 credits
- Product Pages = 9.000 credits
- Group Soapboxes = 4.000 credits per each box and clickable area
- Badge Descriptions = 3.000 credits per each box and clickable area
- Remember these rates are for CODING ONLY. To order a layout image check the layout shops featured here.
- If in the layout image, coding claims to be made by someone else, an extra fee of 5k will be added to the final price.
- All rates are negociable and subject to change.