Here you will find a bunch of codes you won't see anywhere else. Some of them were created by me and others were modified or obtained from somewhere. Some of them are on a experimental phase, so would be good to test them and see how they work. Click on the code you want, and if the code has any part that must be filled by you, a small helper will popup letting you update the code with the info you input to it. Remember all codes can be put in any of your homepage panels unless it is said not to.
Result code:
Result code:
Note: you can use this code to hide the original interests panel text to replace it with your own via Edit > Edit Custom HTML/CSS.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Note: modify the text in the code as desired. Put this code inside the about me panel.
Result code:
Result code:
Note: this code will remove the gap between your about me text contents and the relationship / interests / occupation texts.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Note: this code will force all panel borders to disappear. If you want to later on add borders to your panels, be sure to take this code off your homepage.
Result code:
Result code:
Note: add in a panel that appears after the about me or in the about me panel itself.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
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Note: this code will hide the words 'Want a panel like this? Click here' note at the bottom when you embed a panel. Paste this code inside the panel you are embedding.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
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Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Notes: This code will only hide your last login date in your about me panel on your homepage, this information will still be visible through other means.
Result code:
Notes: This code will only hide your gender in your about me panel on your homepage, you gender will still be able to be seen through other means.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
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Notes: this code will hide all of your toplinks but leaving visible the Block and Report Homepage links so it can be a safe code to use.
Result code:
Notes: put this code in a panel that appears under all the rest, at the bottom of your page code.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Notes: This code will only hide the 'See Name Change History' link from your homepage, it won't actually erase your name changes.
Result code:
Notes: put your visible panels in your left column before using this code.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Note:Put all your panels you want visible to the left before using this code.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
Notes: this code assumes that your about me panel is in the top-left and it doesn't have any aditional content in it.
Result code:
Result code:
Result code:
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