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Contact us by filling the following info, be sure to put your avatar name so we can get in touch with you. If you have your messages to buddies only or off, we will reply here.
MlDNITE 09/01/2024 05:39 am
how do you make your avi picture animated with two different couples pictures in it?
gaf210 08/23/2024 04:15 am
Hi Drii! You can find any peron as long as you have their avatar Id number, in that case you can use out tool on Gadgets - Imvu Links Maker in order to know the new name for that avatar
drii 08/23/2024 03:25 am
Vocês poderiam tipo fazer com que a gente ache uma pessoa que ocultou o nome pra ninguém conseguir pesquisar a conta
FEMl 08/15/2024 11:51 am
Hi ... I just purchased the 1 year Ad Plan.. just making sure you know its from Me.
Dragonjutsu 08/03/2024 12:41 am
Any chance of a friend/follower list that can be sorted by date added? imvu is terrible with it's feature set
Cadavar 07/08/2024 10:33 am
Needing help with how to get you guys to code a hp for me
LizaVergara 07/01/2024 05:29 pm
Hi Gaf ! Did You Guys Change this cuz I remember finding the Bulk Product.Icon Code Maker, I cannot find It to add alot of codes in my Shop can you let me Know Please ! Liza
IsabelLaRue 06/30/2024 12:32 am
Please your help I can not to acces to my account (registerhere)
Liryen 06/14/2024 06:32 pm
Hello! I have submitted my GA room for the Christmas in July event and in the info I wrote it is GA and support helped me to check it is really a GA room, but in the web it says it is AP. Can we somehow corrigate that? Thank you ♥
1xxzoobyxx1 06/02/2024 04:02 pm
I am looking for a code to add space to the top of my imvu profile page