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gaf210 02/17/2025 09:39 am
Hola Camila476868! Existe unos días de delay entre las consultas que se hacen en este sitio e imvu. Así que si estás consultando por el mismo nombre una y otra vez vas a obtener los mismos resultados. Si lo estás usando para controlar si una persona entra a imvu o no, te recomiendo que lo hagas directamente desde el sitio de imvu. Saludos!
Yukine2 02/17/2025 08:16 am
Hola, quiero recuperar una cuenta cuenta que fue hackeada pero no recuerdo su correo, por favor ayúdenme
Camila476868 02/12/2025 03:04 pm
por qué las tarjetas traen iformación vieja? no se actualiza nunca?
gaf210 02/05/2025 10:30 pm
Hi Lily! This can happen for many possible causes, one of them is the date not updating on imvus side, and other can be a cache layer that is between our tools and imvus servers, so that might be the reason why you dont see the data updated at a certain moment, specially in case you have done several look ups of a same avatar.
Lily 02/05/2025 10:13 pm
Why in (avatar card viewer) the last online date doesn’t update and it shows the wrong date, even tho the player is online it shows the old date.
mredunique 11/27/2024 03:07 pm
hello GAF , why my text no appar full in comments? when i add a room
DeanTheDemon 11/04/2024 08:02 pm
Changing Text Color in Special Someone.I've used your code but its not showing up. Could you please help me?
EzFresa 10/01/2024 07:31 am
hi is this website have tools for showing hidden poses at room
Tmixedup 09/16/2024 02:53 am
Hello Gaf, I want to Post this Item in a Group Thread But I Don't know how to Get the Image to Show So they can Click on the Image to get to that Page.
Sipanno 09/14/2024 04:44 am
When people visit my page they can't hear my music player, what i doing wrong?