Celebrating Small
Nov 24th to 26th
Thanks for participating in this event!
What a weekend!! With over 170 rooms submitted, this edition of the Small Businesses event has been a blast! With many people experiencing SBS for the first time, we have lived another unforgettable couple of days with all of you, creators and customers. Running already for more than 10 years, SBS has proved once again to be one of the most awaited and praised celebrations of the entire year by the IMVU Community. In this opportunity, I have taken almost 2 entire days to check out 104 of the rooms submitted!

Feel free to check out the photos, or the rooms clicking on the names, or also if you want to check a Creator's catalog you can click on their names as well. You can also go to the complete room list clicking on the blue buttons under the search filter.

You can also check the complete album of photos with many unreleased ones of Gaf visiting rooms with comments here.

You can also check more photos of this event courtesy of ErieAnn for Muse Magazine: Part 1 - Part 2

This year we have also counted with a live coverage on twitch by our dear miaka618 joining and visiting rooms for over 6hs! Check it out here!

I want to give my special thanks to everyone involved in the coverage of this event, even if it was by visiting rooms or sharing content related to it on social media and on feed. Sincerest thanks to IMVU for supporting this event once again, as well to all of the people that have been preparing the event for the entire year. But most of all, thanks to YOU: the creators that delight us with unimaginable creativity and amazing skills that allows us to have such great memories for the years to come 😊

Check the past event coverages here:
2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022

Check out Leigh and Luc's Year Long SBS visiting all the rooms!!
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